Karly J Queens
Gender based violence is a human right violation that affects thousand of women and girls every year. This has led to physical harm, emotional and mental damage while other have lost their lives .one of the most common reasons why woman and girls have stayed in abusive environments is lack of alternative shelters mainly driven by economic, social and cultural inequalities. Many often than not, they choose to stay because they are weak economically and therefore lack the means for an alternative shelter. Karly J Queens comes in to bridge the gap which provides a temporary peace haven to these women and girls where they can reflect on the next move. The programme provides empowerment life skills to enhance their livelihoods and enlighten them on their basic human rights.
The programme also targets woman undergoing emotional challenges as a result unprecedented outcome in different spheres of their lives. In many aspects, the playing field is never for women and they end up suffering enormous losses due to unfavorable outcomes. The programme offers therapy and emotional support to enable them to reflect and rebound back with confidence.